ATRON Transport Control
The digital heart
ATRON Transport Control (ITCS/AVL)

The digital heart

The operations control centre is the heart of the transport company, which must work continuously without disruptions and delays. As a digital twin, it displays the location of the vehicle fleet and traffic live and in real time. To manage this optimally, a powerful ITCS is essential.

For this reason, ATRON offers a coherent RBL infrastructure of software and hardware that is optimally coordinated. For example, the new mobile ATCS RX is not only a robust and powerful operations control centre, it also supports transport companies with quality control and a better and valid penalty management through smart software solutions from the RX series.

The ATRON services at a glance:

  • the mobile operations control centre ATCS RX
  • powerful on board computer/applications for RBL client applications in the vehicle
  • control of outdoor display using the ATCS RX front-end application APDC (Passenger Display Controller)
  • penalty management to reduce possible penalties

Our aims

  • intelligent solutions for livable cities & regions
  • increasing efficiency with our customers & partners
  • transport passengers comfortably & climate-friendly from A to B.

Our passion

  • digitization, mobility and sustainability - for 40 years
  • robust & durable products with low maintenance
  • open standards and interfaces
  • hightech from Bavaria

Operation control solutions (ITCS/AVL)

ATCS RX - the mobile control centre of ATRON

Clear, simple and comfortabel - the modern ATRON control center ATCS RX was developed according to these requirements. With its flat structures and free spaces between the elements, the design is state of the art. Updates of the views and movements in the map view are optimized for performance.

The advantages at a glance:

  • web-based interface for the use of mobile devices such as tablets
  • transparent display of the states of charge and the remaining range
  • communication with the ATRON backend - live and in real time
  • modular design with optional extensions to exploit the full potential

On Board Computer & Terminals

The modular systems AVG (Driver-Gateway) and AVT (Driver terminal)

The AVG Gateway connects the existing peripheral devices in the vehicle and thus enables modernization of the vehicle equipment while protecting the investments already made. A real alternative to the on board computer is the combination with an AVT driver terminal, which is used as a freestanding operator terminal at the driver's workplace.

The modular system uses the ATRON ITCS software AMVL. This has functions for the timetable and roster, automatic stop forwarding, online communication with the control centre, instructions, connection security, individual calls and group calls.


On Board Applications

A variety of solutions for different purposes
  • ATRON Smart Vehicle Location (ASVL) offers all the functions of a RBL client
  • connection either via GSM or LTE
  • Android app for mobile use
  • integration in third-party apps is possible
  • complete integration into the ATRON DEBAS system
  • the software update and data supply take place automatically via the background system
  • in cooperation with AVG, components (indicators, ELA, door contacts, GPS & mobile radio, radio for LSA) can be integrated

Penalty management

Your control centre - the reliable data source

By using ATCS RX, transport companies can avoid paying penalties if KPIs (key performance indicators) are not met. By targeted use of incident management, dispatchers realize early on where there is a need for action. The system not only provides information, it actively creates a proposal on how to tackle the problem. Detailed information can be called up intuitively and quickly to make further decisions.

Open Data Platforms

ATRON relies on open interfaces and standarts

ATRON pursues the strategy of open standards and interfaces. ATRON offers all customers the opportunity to combine different components from different manufacturers, or to exchange data with one another and/or to make them available to third parties.

The advantages of the scenarios at a glance:

  • open IT, data & service such as the accessibility of real-time data according to VDV standards
  • open architecture such as the modular design of the backend software for BE-to-BE communication with other manufacturers
  • use the open source Android app on the vehicle computer for external applications independent of ATRON

Passenger information

The best IT infrastructure cannot avoid disruptions in operational processes. Again and again there are disruptions due to external influences such as emergency interventions or delays due to severe weather. However, timely and reliable communication to the passengers is important.

ATRON provides the following solutions for high-performance passenger information:

  • announcements via loudspeakers (indoor/outdoor)
  • information for indicators in the vehicle
  • information for bus stops (DFI)
  • data hubs for all communication

In addition to the information according to the timetable (target state), the current information (actual state) are also displayed or distributed via the data hubs.